Sunday 25 October 2015


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If someone have diabetes, they must
pay close attention to the amount and type of
carbohydrates they eat. Using the hormone
insulin, carbs are broken down by the body and
converted to glucose, which gives the energy
and fuels the cells for action.

Diabetics, however, have trouble with insulin
and can have unusually high levels of glucose
circulating throughout the body. Nearly all
fruits contain high amounts of carbs, so eating too much can dump more
glucose than the body can handle. Still, carbs
are nutrients you can’t live without. You just need to properly
manage them with the condition.

Bananas are safe for diabetics. However, how
ripe the banana is, makes a difference.
Researchers reporting in the October 1992
issue of “Diabetic Medicine” found that
participants in a study who ate overripe
bananas had a fairly high glycemic response,
meaning blood sugar levels were raised,
demanding the use of more insulin. Those who
ate bananas that had not fully ripened had a
lower glycemic response.
By contrast, neither kind of banana produced a
blood sugar response as high as plain white
bread. The researchers said up to 90percent of
the carbs in an under ripe banana come from
starch, but when it ripens the carbs are mostly
free sugars.

They advise, therefore, that bananas, especially
under ripe ones, are “an acceptable alternative
as between-meal snacks for Type 2 diabetic

Caution: Avoid eating bananas that are part
of desserts and prepared with sugary syrups.
These desserts bring
excess carbs, calories and fat.


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