Saturday 26 March 2016


Okay let me confess, I get used to things easily especially when it comes to foods and that explains why i like trying out new things. Sincerely I'm tired of our normal stew (with the tin tomatoes and all) to that effect  I’ve been enjoying my veggie sauces. So here's something I just tried (you must have tried something like that too because its really simple and fast) and if you're still looking for something light and sweet (and you've not tried this you should) to eat your rice then this is it. I'm sorry I couldn't take a picture I just didn’t have the time as I was so much in a hurry to eat :)

So here are things you'll need:

*  Fresh Tomatoes
*  Onions
*  Fresh pepper
*  Seasoning
*  Good vegetable oil/Coconut/Olive
*  Mushrooms
*  Farrow's Giant Marrowfat Peas
*  Chicken (I decided to use that to get the taste I want  and that might be because I'm used to Turkey so if I'd used it, it won't be different) that's for me you can choose what you want :)

So I just sliced the tomatoes, pepper and onions (I didn't blend)
Heat my oil and add the onions, then tomatoes (please don't stir)
It was almost dried but fresh still
I added my seasoning and salt to taste.
Allowed it to simmer and then stirred gently.
I added my chicken and stock. (Allowed to simmer for few mins too)
I added my mushrooms
Then the peas.
Stir and bring it down.

Oh you'll love this. I just tried it out cos I am really not a fan of Tin Tomatoes. If I'm to use, I just use one or two depending on the quantity. So I wanted something different that will still contain my veggies. You can serve this with baked beans if you like.

And the food is ready. “Chei! I no fit snap” :D. I was so hungry and the food finished patapata. You can snap yours or let’s say I will send the pic the next time I make this sauce.

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