Thursday 12 November 2015


The good news for young people is that about 80 percent of heart disease can be prevented through healthy diet and lifestyle choices. That means hitting the gym, quitting smoking, cutting back on any boozehound tendencies, and—perhaps most importantly—cleaning up your nutrition plan. Apart from ditching salty and processed foods, it’s a great idea to load up on eats that actually help your heart.
The Best Foods for Your Heart
1. Avocado



This superfood is also good for the heart. They’re jam-packed with monounsaturated fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol levels and may help prevent blood clotting. They also contain potassium, which may help control blood pressure, and magnesium, which has been associated with a lower risk of heart disease in men. Adding some avocado to your meal can also help to increase satiety and satisfaction, which may help with weight management—another way to keep your heart healthy in the long run.
2. Dark Chocolate


Because of the flavanoids—antioxidants that can help suppress LDL, or “bad” cholesterol—present in chocolate, indulging in a square or two may decrease your risk of stroke (Experts recommend sticking to ounce per day, two to three times per week). Nibbling on the sweet stuff can also keep your heart strong by keeping arteries flexible and preventing white blood cells from adhering to the walls of blood vessels. Both of these benefits help prevent atherosclerosis, the hardening of arteries that can lead to heart attack or stroke.
3. Fatty Fish


Salmon, mango, avocado

While a recent study casts some doubt on whether eating fatty acids has heart-healthy benefits, a lot of research suggests foods containing this nutrient have a long history of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. A recent research links a fatty fish-rich diet with a lower risk of coronary artery calcification, which can lead to heart disease. Yet another study suggests the polyunsaturated fatty acids found in fatty fish lower blood pressure and resting heart rate, and may also improve vascular function and lower inflammation. And the American Heart Association still suggests adding fish, particularly fatty fish to your plate two times per week.
4. Garlic


Not only does garlic add a kick of flavor to any dish, but it also reduces cholesterol and blood pressure and improves blood flow. You might want to stick to fresh garlic to reap the most benefits, though. While both fresh and processed garlic help with promoting healthy blood flow in the heart, research suggests that fresh, crushed garlic is more effective.
5. Nuts



Eating nuts every day decreases the risk of dying from heart disease by 29% (as compared to people who didn’t eat them over a period of 30 years). They contain unsaturated fats, which improve cholesterol by lowering “bad” cholesterol and raising the good kind. Walnuts, in particular, contain omega-3 fatty acids, which may prevent blood clots and the development of irregular heart rhythms. Nuts also contain an amino acid that helps ease blood flow.

6. Olive Oil


Olive Oil


6. Olive Oil

Olive oil, has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease on more than one occasion, it also contains monounsaturated fatty acids. Plus, these fatty acids are loaded with vitamin E, a free radical-fighting vitamin.
7. Oranges




Though we typically turn to oranges for cold prevention, this fruit is also a great food for your heart, thanks to two different nutrients: pectin and potassium. Pectin, a soluble fiber, basically blocks cholesterol absorption and helps prevent the scarring of heart tissue, while potassium can help keep blood pressure in check.


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