Thursday 12 November 2015


.  Drinking calories is the easiest way to gain
weight. Research shows that liquid calories
don’t register in our brain and we don’t get full
from them – although beer bloats your belly…
and Coca-Cola rots your teeth. Eat
more healthy foods, burn more.

2.  Exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep.


3.  Consume healthy fats like eggs, avocado, coconut oil,

olive oil and nuts

4.  If you're interested in losing weight, it's a good
idea to eat slowly and chew your food at least
15-20 times before swallowing. Doing so allows your brain and body to
actually sense that it's full, instead of cramming a bunch of food down
your throat only to find out 30 mins later that you're WAY stuffed.

5.  Vitamin D plays an essential role in modulating how your
immune system responds to various antigens, so deficiency
in D directly increases your risk of all types of

6.  Greens are helpful for normalizing bowel
movements, improving energy levels, and
supporting healthier skin, hair, and nails. The
phytonutrients in greens enhances blood
circulation and improve cellular health through
neutralization of free radicals that inevitably
make their way into our systems.



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