Thursday 12 November 2015

5 Best Shoulder Exercises for Increasing Mass

Keep in mind when incorporating shoulder exercises into your strength training program that most arm exercises already engage the shoulder muscles to some degree. Therefore, exercises and exercise splits need to be planned carefully so as not to over train the shoulders and cause damage or injury. 

Shoulder Exercise #1 - Overhead Squat

Traditional squats are one of the best exercises for developing strength, definition and balance in the lower body. The overhead squat achieves the same goals in the shoulders. This shoulder exercise uses significantly less weight than standard squats for the legs.

To perform the overhead squat: You want to bring the barbell to a position where you are holding it over your head. You can either snatch it to the starting position, begin with the bar on a high rack, or have spotters assist you with raising it into position. When holding the bar overhead, ensure that the weight is held in line directly over your head and feet and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Now, go into a squat while maintaining the weight directly overhead. Return to a standing position and repeat.

Shoulder Exercise #2 - Military Press

The military press will add a great deal of muscle mass and definition to the shoulders. Most bodybuilders include this exercise at the top of their training program list along with the bench press, squat and deadlift due to its effectiveness in increasing shoulder size.

To perform the military press: Raise the barbell from the floor, remove it from a rack, or receive it from spotters until the bar rests on your upper chest. Press the weight straight up and directly overhead, stopping at full extension but without locking your elbows. Slowly lower the weight back down to your chest and repeat. Take heed not to use your legs during this exercise as you want your shoulder muscles to receive the full benefit.

Shoulder Exercise #3 - Upright Barbell Row

Bradley Cooper

This shoulder exercise can significantly build the medial deltoid, but can also exert a great deal of stress on the shoulder joints if the medial deltoids are under-developed. Therefore, make sure you build a foundation of shoulder muscle before attempting the upright barbell row.
To perform the upright barbell row: Grasp the barbell at about a shoulder-width space. Lift the bar up by bending your elbows until it reaches just under your chin. The bar should stay close to your body through the entire movement and should end with your elbows pointing outwards. Slowly lower the weight back down and repeat.

Shoulder Exercise #4 - Dumbbell Shoulder Press

This is a great exercise for building strength and mass in the overall shoulders. You can perform this shoulder exercise from either a standing or seated position, but be sure to use a weight that is not excessive. Remember, your shoulder joints are vulnerable to injury, especially if you're just starting out and they are underdeveloped.

To perform the dumbbell shoulder press: Begin by holding a dumbbell in each hand with your arms held at your sides. First, bring one dumbbell up until it rests on your shoulder and then raise it straight up and over your head until your arm is at full extension without locking the elbow. Slowly return the weight down and to your side and repeat with the other arm.

Shoulder Exercise #5 - Hang Clean and Press

The hang clean and press is considered to be one of the best shoulder exercises and should be included in a bodybuilding training program. Keep in mind when performing this shoulder exercise that you can lift more weight if you use momentum from the starting position through the pressing motion.

To perform the hang clean and press: Stand while facing the bar with feet about shoulder width apart. Bend over and grasp the bar at about the same width as your feet. Keep your back flat and lift your chin up. Lift the bar until you are in a standing position with the weight held against your thighs. From this starting position, complete an upright row by flexing your knees, extending your ankles and flaring your traps until the bar reaches your shoulders. At this point, catch the bar with upright palms by rotating your arms and elbows under the bar. Slightly bend your knees to help absorb the impact of the catch. Press the barbell over your head until your arms reach full extension without locking your elbows. Bring the bar back down to your shoulders and then back down to your thighs and repeat.


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